USA – Morgan Ariel booted by Turning Point USA for consistent antisemitism

Morgan Ariel Instagram screenshot

Morgan Ariel, a fashion designer and self-professed “Lioness for Jesus Christ,” was removed from her role as volunteer ambassador at the Conservative activist group Turning Point USA (TPUSA) after posting on platform X that “the Zionist Jews controlling our planet are all pedophiles who have no regard for the sanctity of human life and purity,” adding, “read the Talmud and it will all make sense.”

In a message that Ariel shared on X (formerly known as Twitter) a TPUSA representative told her on Thursday, “we 100% believe you have the right to express yourself as you see fit, but what you’re expressing is further and further out of sync with the values of the organization.”

Ariel doubled down on her statement, writing that she was removed “for exercising my 1st amendment right and upholding biblical principals [sic].”

The designer, who has also posted on X that the US should “make homosexuality illegal again” and referred to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as “baby eating blood drinking Killary,” promised “more to come” following her removal.

Turning Point USA, founded by Conservative activist Charlie Kirk in 2012, is known for organizing events with Conservative speakers on Left-leaning college campuses, and for hosting annual conferences with speakers such as then-president Donald Trump, who addressed the group’s “Teen Student Action Summit” in 2019.

“I have been pro-Israel my entire life,” Kirk told The Jerusalem Post in 2019. “I am more pro-Israel now because of my visits to Israel.”

However, Kirk has made comments that have drawn criticism since October 7, most notably his suggestion that the Israeli government issued a “stand down order” in the first hours of the Hamas massacre, allowing the invasion to proceed uninhibited. Contrary to Kirk’s suggestion, and as reported by the Post, IDF soldiers were mobilized as soon as the infiltration occurred, with 373 members of Israel’s security forces killed that day.

Ben Domenech, editor at large of The Spectator, wrote on X that “If Charlie Kirk remains the head of TPUSA, the Right has an antisemite problem that will follow them into the coming elections.”

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has also criticized Kirk, writing that “Kirk has created a vast platform for extremists and far-Right conspiracy theorists, who speak and attend his annual AmericaFest and other events sponsored by TPUSA,” and providing a list of extremists who have been part of or associated with the group.

In March 2019, for example, the TPUSA’s Iowa State University chapter invited Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes to speak, prompting the president of the chapter to resign in protest.

The ADL noted, however, that when outright white supremacists have appeared at TPUSA events, Kirk has unequivocally condemned them, telling attendees, “It’s not who we are, it’s not what we believe, it’s not what Turning Point believes.”

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