About Us

The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism is a state forum that monitors antisemitic activities throughout the world. It coordinates the struggle against this phenomenon with various government bodies and Jewish organizations around the world.

The Forum receives information on antisemitic activity from a variety of sources, checks this information and publishes it in regular reports.

The Forum convenes periodically to hear updated reports and establish policy on how to counter different forms of antisemitism.

Israel, as the Jewish State gives the highest priority to the security of Jewish communities around the world and has undertaken to do everything in its power to eradicate anti-Jewish activity.

The struggle against antisemitism must unfortunately persist and requires our constant attention. This entails learning and understanding the extent of the phenomenon and recruiting all the relevant resources to fight it wherever and whenever it appears.

Our website

As part of the above effort the Forum receives information on antisemitic activity from a variety of sources, checks this information and publishes it on our website that has set up to serve as a tool in struggle.

Our website has the largest and most comprehensive data base of antisemitic incident reported throughout the world and is updated daily with reports, pictures, video clips and statistics. The incidents in our archive can be accessed by date, location and/or category. The site also offers information on the ongoing struggle against antisemitic and related articles.

Who are we?

The Ministry of Diaspora Affairs’ Research Center for Combating Antisemitism, conducts an in-depth monitoring and analysis of antisemitism worldwide

  • Knowledge center on global antisemitism (offline and online)
  • Monitoring antisemitic events and trends
  • Analysis of the implications for Israel and the Jewish communities worldwide
  • Policy oriented in-depth research
  • Development of specialized cutting-edge technologies and tools for the monitoring of antisemitism

Contact us

If you wish to contact The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism, please fill out the form below or send an email to: aforum@antisemitism.org.il

Johanna Mamane

Chief analyst & Specialist of French antisemitism

Johanna is in parallel a Ph.D. student in Digital Humanities at the Sorbonne University, a discipline at the intersection of technologies and Humanities. Her doctoral thesis examines to what extent the democratization of the web has impacted the nature of antisemitic discourse, its propagation, and its scope.
Johanna also holds a Master’s degree in the construction of European civilizations and a second Master’s degree in Political and Public Communication. Her expertise includes the history of the World Wide Web, contemporary left antisemitism, the intersection of political and radical Islam with progressive left, and the phenomenon of competitive victimhood.
Johanna began her professional career as a Journalist at the Jerusalem Post, the Times of Israel, and a French news agency, before reconverting in the High-Tech sector. She has been working in the past 10 years for leading Israeli tech companies, including six years as a Search Engine Optimization specialist at Wix.

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Dr. Susanne Cohen-Weisz

Data Analyst & Content Specialist in the German language

Since 2017, Dr. Susanne Cohen-Weisz has been working as a data analyst and content specialist in the German language and culture tracking and analyzing antisemitism for Sayiqan Cyber Technologies.
She is responsible for developing and updating the German portion of the Antisemitism Cyber Monitoring System (ACMS), analyzing the content to identify trends in antisemitic rhetoric in general, and in certain regions or within the antisemitism sub-categories, in particular, and for monitoring the antisemitic opinions in cyberspace within the context of real-world political situations and occurrences of antisemitism. As a member of the Antisemitism Monitoring Center of the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs’ team, she also conducts in-depth research on antisemitism in German-speaking countries.
Dr. Susanne Cohen-Weisz holds a BA from Bar-Ilan University, an MA in International Relations, and a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where she also did post-doctoral research and served as a lecturer. Before joining Sayiqan, she researched Jewish communal developments in Europe, Jewish identity, best practices for strengthening Jewish identity in Europe, and policies and practices of conversions to Judaism and their recognition today. She has published a book and several articles on her research.

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Daphna Kaufman

Research and strategy expert, focusing on contemporary antisemitism.

Daphna Kaufman is a research and strategy expert, focusing on contemporary antisemitism. She has written extensively on the challenges Jewish and pro-Israel communities face within U.S. progressive circles, monitoring related trends, and characterizing the phenomenon of ‘Jewish erasure’ in a series of conceptual frameworks lead-authored with the Reut Institute.
Daphna directed the Israel Institute for Innovative Diplomacy, where she focused on strategic communications in the context of Israel’s standing in the U.S. progressive field. Prior, she served as Reut’s Director for Policy and Strategy, supervising Reut teams in the areas of national security, Israel-Jewish world relations, and socio-economic development. She has worked for AIPAC and for The Israel Project, both in their Washington, D.C. headquarters.
Daphna holds an MA from The George Washington University in Media and Public Affairs, where she focused on public diplomacy and on societal impacts of evolving information and communications technologies. She has been published in the Jewish Journal, The Peoplehood Papers, Fathom Journal, eJewish Philanthropy, Haaretz, and the Jerusalem Post. Her recent work was covered by Israel Hayom, in the Jewish Press, and in Algemeiner.

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Dr Ronen Zeidel

Arab and Islamic world Analyst

Arab and Islamic world analyst. Language specialization: Arabic. PhD from the University of Haifa in history of the Middle East from 2004. Academic specialization: modern Iraq.

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Eli Nahum

Antisemitism Researcher

Eli Nahum served as an intelligence officer in the Prime Minister’s Office in Tel Aviv. For the past 20 years have been researching antisemitism, and currently serve as a consultant to the The Ministry of Diaspora Affairs.

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Matty Frenkelzon

Data analyst specializing in antisemitism in Russian- speaking areas

Matty Frenkelzon is a data analyst specializing in antisemitism in Russian- speaking areas, focusing on monitoring and analyzing trends in Russian-speaking countries and online platforms. He is engaged in research on Jews in the Soviet Union, the memory of the Holocaust in Russian-speaking countries, and the influence of the early Soviet ideology on the post-colonial discourse. Maaty is a research student in Russian history at Tel-Aviv University.

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Dr Ronen Zeidel

Arab and Islamic world Analyst

Arab and Islamic world analyst. Language specialization: Arabic. Working for Sayiqan since 2018. PhD from the University of Haifa in history of the Middle East from 2004. Academic specialization: modern Iraq.

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Report to us

If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of antisemitism, extremism, bias, bigotry or hate, please report it using our incident form below:

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