USA – Eating clubs vandalized with pro-Palestine and anti-Israel graffiti

Photo obtained by The Daily Princetonian.

Princeton, NJ – Two eating clubs and a brick wall near the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment were vandalized with pro-Palestine and anti-Israel graffiti on Dec. 23 and 24. Princeton town police are investigating the occurrences as a possible “bias incident,” according to Lieutenant Thomas Lagomarsino.

Graffiti on the cannon in front of Cannon Dial Elm Club reads “Free Gaza” on one side and “Fuck Israel” on the other. Further down the street, a wall in front of Cottage Club also displays “Free Gaza.”

Josh Coan ’24, the president of Cannon, subsequently contacted President Christopher Eisgruber ’83, who offered the University’s support, including connections to several other administrators. According to Coan, no one was in the club at the time of the incident, which took place around 11:30 p.m. The semester had officially ended the previous day. 

Graffiti outside of Cottage Club.
Photo obtained by The Daily Princetonian.
The cannon in front of Cannon Dial Elm Club was one of three sites vandalized this weekend.
Photo obtained by The Daily Princetonian.

“We appreciate the university’s immediate response,” Coan wrote in an email to The Daily Princetonian.

Cottage Club President Caleb Coleman ’24 did not respond to requests for comment in time for publication.

Lagomarsino told the ‘Prince’ that the department is working to identify people involved using video footage from the clubs. No one has been detained so far.

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