USA – Coalition of 28 organizations petition the government to investigate BDS groups with ties to terror

Zachor Legal Institute
Zachor Legal Institute

A coalition of 28 organizations and groups petitioned the Department of Justice, FBI, and the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism to open an investigation into BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) groups with ties with US designated terror organizations. The coalition petition can be viewed here.

In recent years, there has been a marked increase in violence against Jews, including mass murders in Jersey City, Monsey, Pittsburgh, and Poway. David Anderson, the main perpetrator of the Jersey City murders, posted online BDS talking points. He accused Jews of responsibility for police violence against African Americans, and he spread the lie that Jews are imposters descended from a Turkish tribe known as Khazars.

Pogrom-like street violence across the United States in Spring/Summer of 2021 was incited by violent BDS protests in New York City in May 2021. In 2019 at a BDS rally in New York, leaders urged the crowd to “globalize the intifada,” a clarion call to assault Jews, which has now become a chant led by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) on multiple college campuses.

The BDS movement in the United States has been found to have financial ties to terrorist organizations, including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PLFP) and Hamas.

In a letter to Attorney General Sessions in 2018, Zachor Legal Institute petitioned the Department of Justice to undertake a RICO investigation of “Domestic Terrorist Affiliates”. These groups, according to the letter, have engaged in criminal activity in affiliation with foreign terror organizations. The letter cites the NGO Samidoun, an alter ego of PFLP, as an example of “a foreign organization that is supported by the Domestic Terror Affiliates.”

In October 2022, Zachor Legal sent a letter to Attorney General Garland, renewing the request for an investigation into terror-affiliated BDS groups. The October 2022 letter included information from an investigation into seven “humanitarian” groups that Israel recently designated as terror organizations, including Samidoun, consisting of first-hand testimony from PFLP operatives into how the PFLP controls the seven groups, using them to defraud donors, launder money and evade anti-terror financing regulations while they promote BDS activity.

Recent expansion and intensification of BDS activity underscores the need for the Justice Department to undertake an investigation of BDS organizations and their ties to terrorist organizations. In June 2022, BDS Boston identified, mapped, and targeted numerous local Jewish institutions. The application of technology served to amplify and broaden the scope of the incitement to violence that BDS groups have broadcast for years on university campuses. This ominous form of Doxxing on an industrial scale is intended to stoke yet more antisemitic violence.

The genesis of this coalition letter was a joint effort of Jan Morrow and John Kovac.

Marc Greendorfer, president of Zachor Legal Institute (, said: “Jewish Americans are under open assault by BDS-affiliated organizations and we are reaching the point of no return. It is critical that the Department of Justice take action immediately, first to investigate the matters identified in this letter and second to prosecute those who are violating federal anti-discrimination and anti-terror financing laws.”

Jan Morrow stated: “BDS is based on lies and conspiracy theories which incite, like KKK or any hate group. It is not political, not about history or current events. It is lies aimed at stirring hate, exclusion and violence.”

John Kovac added: “BDS is a well-organized, well- funded international hate group aimed at the destruction of Jewish peoplehood. Its organization and financing is linked to terrorist groups. It has been a major factor in the increase in antisemitism in the United States and worldwide. We call on our government to assist us in fighting this scourge.”

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