Germany – Antisemitic harassment in Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf – A group from the local SPD branch in Eller-Lierenfeld was out in the early evening of November 9th to clean stumbling blocks and to commemorate the victims of the November pogroms. An unknown man disturbed the commemoration at Gertrudisplatz in Düsseldorf-Eller with verbal insults and physical intervention.

While the group was cleaning stumbling blocks and laying down roses, an unidentified man approached and placed a cloth next to the stumbling blocks in what appeared to be a prayer. After he asked what the purpose of the action was and it was explained to him that the persecuted and murdered Jews of the November pogroms were being remembered, the man said, “I think there are a few more to come.”

He insulted the participants in the commemoration as “Nazis”, “racists” and “mangy rats” and repeatedly called out to the participants that they were unbelievers who would not come to either the Garden of Eden or paradise. In addition, the man tried to remove the laid roses from the stumbling blocks. Members of the group intervened and asked the man to stop. The police were called and took the man’s personal details. A criminal complaint was filed and the state security switched on.

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