Germany – 106 swastikas sprayed at school in Hamburg

In total, the police counted 106 swastikas at the school Photo: Thomas Knoop

Hamburg – Unknown perpetrators smeared a total of 106 swastikas in green and white paint on the windows and walls at the Carl-von-Ossietzky-Gymnasium (936 students) and at the adjacent elementary school in the Poppenbüttel district of Hamburg on Müssenredder Street.

In addition, the Nazi slogans “Sieg Heil” and “Heil Hitler” were sprayed on the facade.

The school’s caretaker discovered the graffiti on Saturday morning and informed the police.

The headmaster is appalled. He told BILD: “This is the first time something like this has happened at our school.”

Particularly perfidious: The forbidden Nazi symbols are not that easy to remove. A special company had to move in.

Photos: Thomas Knoop

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