Germany – Fine for Holocaust trivialization

On Thursday, a 21-year-old man had to answer to the district court in Günzburg for using license plates belonging to unconstitutional organizations. 

After investigations by the public prosecutor’s office, the accused from Wiesenbach posted a photograph of Adolf Hitler’s head with his left hand in front of his mouth in a WhatsApp group consisting of at least 17 participants on August 8, 2021. The picture bears the perfidious inscription: “SHIT… I left the oven on.” This refers to the Nazi mass murder in the concentration camps and thus trivializes the Holocaust, according to the public prosecutor.

District Judge Lange found the accused fully guilty and sentenced him to a fine of 70 daily rates of 50 euros each. (1 Cs 409 Js 1507/22) If the judgment becomes final, the 21-year-old must pay a total fine of 3,500 euros.

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