CFCA – 2010 Antisemitism report – Present situation and tendencies

CFCA – 2010 Antisemitism report
CFCA – 2010 Antisemitism report

CFCA – 2010 Antisemitism report – Present situation and tendencies

During the year of 2010 a decrease in the number of antisemitic incidents has been noted throughout the world as well as a decrease in their severity. This is in comparison to 2009 which has been a record year in light of Operation Cast Lead. The numbers of Antisemitic incidents during that time have still remained significantly high when compared to those of the 1990’s and it appears that Antisemitism is in fact rising.

Furthermore, the report states that organized activity for the de-legitimating of Israel as a free country has increased during the year of 2010. The blurring of boundaries between legitimate criticism towards Israel and its demonization have become a substantial strategically threat not just to the state of Israel but on Jewish communities throughout the world.

The Antisemitism Phenomenon is still growing and finds its expression through propaganda and Antisemitic incitement, spraying swat stickers and hatred slogans, physical violence against Jewish people, Attacks on Jewish establishments and facilities, desecration of gravestones, provocative political statements and attempt to carryout acts of terrorism. Poles that have taken place in Europe have shown that a third of the continent’s population hold a negative point of view regarding the Jews and that more than before, people allow themselves to speak out publicly against the Jewish people.

Although many countries are aware of the Antisemitic phenomenon and hold ongoing activities against it, it appears that this awareness does not influence the level of Antisemitism among the public. The violent Antisemitism is actually carried out by a small portion of the population however it is supported by growing sections of the public both in the Muslim and Western world.

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