UK – Jewish man abused on London Tube

London – Police have launched an investigation after a young man was filmed on the London Underground telling a Jewish man that “your religion kills Muslims”. 

The man puffed on a vape inside the Northern line carriage on Thursday between Chalk Farm and Belsize Park and stared at the man before making the comments.

The charity, the Campaign Against Antisemitism, released the video which shows the male – who is blurred in the clip – stare at the victim from afar before walking over to sit opposite.

“Have you got a problem?” the Jewish man, who was wearing a Kippah, asked. 

After staring for several more seconds, the male replies: “Your religion kills Muslims… you kill Muslims.”

The man then says he is a Muslim before continuing to illegally vape as the pair then row about their actions on board the train. 

The man then makes out that “wearing that hat” on the Tube constitutes the support for anti-Islamic causes. “You’ve done a lot,” the perpetrator said. 

“You’re recording me, aren’t you,” the man says. “Yeah, of course, what you are doing is antisemitic,” the Jewish man replies, before stepping up to leave the train, adding “you’re an idiot”. 

The British Transport Police is now investigating and the video has been seen nearly two million times on Twitter.  

The force’s official account on Twitter replied to the video and said: I personally spoke to the victim of this yesterday and completed a crime report for the incident.” 

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