USA – Jason Whitlock nods as Jason Whitlock claims Jews have created a ‘plantation’ for black people and 457 of them are ‘running the Biden administration’

Right-wing sports commentator Jason Whitlock nodded along as a virulently anti-Semitic guest on his show claimed that the Jews have created a “plantation” for Black people and that 457 of them are “running” the Biden administration.

On X (formerly Twitter), Whitlock promoted his show in a since-deleted post by claiming that he had a conversation with “prolific author and Catholic authority E. Michael Jones” and sharing the clip in which Jones outlines his conspiracy theory.

“First of all, Joe Biden is not in charge of the government. it’s called Biden’s menu, you can look this up, too. There are 457 Jews who are running the Biden administration. They’re the people who are in charge, okay? So there’s no point in talking about Joe Biden. We have to be able to identify these people, and we have to call them out, and hold them responsible for it,” declared Jones.

He continued:

I’m going to change this, especially if you’re Black. Because the Blacks have suffered more in this regard than any other group in this country. And I’m talking about the beginning of this with the Harlem Renaissance, which I’ve written about in detail. The Jews took over the Blacks early on. They created an institution called the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, okay?

Now, there was, this was created for one reason, and that was to destroy Marcus Garvey, who was the great Black nationalist from Jamaica in New York at this time. And they got this guy, W.E.B. Du Bois or Dubois, whoever you want to pronounce it. Harvard guy, and he was the frontman so that when Marcus Garvey went to NAACP headquarters, he walked in and he said afterwards, “I didn’t see one Black man there. It was all Jews.”

The Jews had taken control of the Black population. They destroyed Black nationalism under Marcus Garvey, and then they created this plantation for Black people, known as sexual liberation. It was called jazz. It was called the Harlem Renaissance. It was always some Jew determining how you were supposed to be as a Black man. And then all the way up to Kanye West.

I don’t know what you saw, whether you saw that, probably everybody saw it, but Dave Chappelle gave that great monologue on Saturday Night Live and the whole punchline of that was “Put your chain on, n****.” There was a profundity to that, okay? Because there is a chain. It’s a golden chain, but it’s still a chain. And Kanye made a lot of money, but he could only make the money if he had that chain on. You know, because they can yank that chain whenever they want and they did that to Kanye. They did it to Kyrie Irving. They did to a lot of people. And what you saw was you can’t step over that line.

“Mr. Jones, you are fearless. You are fearless. My God,” proclaimed Whitlock at the end of Jones’s rant. “And I know there are gonna be some people ‘How you gonna let this man?’ The man is speaking facts and I know the intent of what he just said and I got no problem with it.”

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