Brazil – José Genoino suggests a boycott of Jewish companies

Former PT president and former deputy José Genoino. Photo: Dida Sampaio/Estadão

 São Paulo – The deputy Guto Zacarias (União Brasil), linked to the MBL (Movimento Brasil Livre), filed a crime report on Sunday (21 January 2024) MPF (Federal Public Ministry) against the former president of PT (Workers’ Party) José Genoino for speech in which he suggests boycotting Jewish businesses.

Zacarias asks the MPF “initiate a criminal prosecution” against Genoino, based on article 20 of the law 7,716, which prohibits the practice or induction of discrimination or prejudice based on race, color, ethnicity, religion or national origin. Here’s the complete of crime news.

In your profile on X (formerly Twitter), Zacarias announced that he had filed the document and he said that, in São Paulo, “racism and religious intolerance will not be tolerated”.

The crime news came after the speech of the former deputy and former president of the PT, who said he thought “interesting” a boycott “for political reasons that harm economic interests” The “determined” Jewish companies. The statement was made on Saturday (20 January) in interview The DCM (Diário do Centro do Mundo) TVleft-wing Brazilian political digital newspaper.

In your profile on X (formerly Twitter), Zacarias announced that he had filed the document and he said that, in São Paulo, “racism and religious intolerance will not be tolerated”.

The crime news came after the speech of the former deputy and former president of the PT, who said he thought “interesting” a boycott “for political reasons that harm economic interests” The “determined” Jewish companies. The statement was made on Saturday (20 January) in interview The DCM (Diário do Centro do Mundo) TVleft-wing Brazilian political digital newspaper.

“This idea of ​​rejection, this idea of ​​boycotting for political reasons that hurt economic interests is an interesting way. There is even this boycott in relation to certain Jewish companies. There are, for example, boycotts of companies linked to the State of Israel. In fact, I think that Brazil should cut off commercial relations in the area of ​​security and defense with the state of Israel”said Genoino.

In the document sent to the MPF, Zacarias states that the statement was “without a doubt, an attack on the rights of Jewish citizens to enter into business activity and compete with others without discrimination”. If the MPF understands that there are no elements to initiate criminal action, the deputy requests that a police investigation be opened.

The former PT president’s speech also caused Israeli entities to express their condemnation.

In a note, the Conib (Israeli Confederation of Brazil) said that Genoino’s statement is “antisemitic”. Already the Fisesp (Israeli Federation of the State of São Paulo) stated that the statements “Flirt with Nazism and racism”.

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