Germany – The criminal police office reports massive increase in antisemitic crimes

Since Hamas’ attack on Israel, the BKA has registered more than 1,100 antisemitic crimes in Germany – a sharp increase compared to previous quarters.

Since the terrorist attack by the Islamist Hamas on Israel on October 7th, the number of antisemitic crimes in Germany has increased significantly. Between the day of the attack and December 21st alone, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) recorded more than 1,100 offenses in the criminal police reporting service for cases of politically motivated crime, as the dpa news agency reports. The BKA said that this primarily involved damage to property and incitement to hatred.

The number is significantly higher than in each of the first three quarters of 2023 – according to figures from the Federal Ministry of the Interior, 558 antisemitic offenses were registered in the first, 609 in the second and 540 in the third. This includes attacks motivated by left-wing and right-wing extremism as well as acts from the categories “religious ideology” and “foreign ideology”.

The more than 1,100 crimes since the beginning of October, however, are only those recorded in connection with the escalation of the Middle East conflict. The total number is likely to be significantly higher.

Added together, the figures available up to December 21st result in 2,807 recorded offenses so far this year. For comparison: 2,874 antisemitic crimes were registered in the entire year of 2022, including 88 violent acts.

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