Poland – Study: Dominant antisemitic narratives in popular culture in Poland

In 2022, a three-stage research project was carried out at the request of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews. Its aim was to create a map of the most important cultural codes shaping images of Jews in contemporary Polish culture, as well as to analyze the threats associated with them.

Report “Who do Poles see when they see a Jew?” summarizes research work. The results indicate that anti-Semitism, especially the unconscious one, is vividly present in our collective imagination. Moreover, it is not only a tool of discrimination against a specific minority group, but is also a repeated pattern of discrimination against various minorities.

The POLIN Museum uses the knowledge gained from research in an educational program addressed to decision-makers and multipliers: parliamentarians and local government politicians, the police and other public order services, representatives of the legal community, the media and educators.

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