Antisemitism and racism: The Middle East war reveals cracks in German society

The current war in the Middle East as a result of Hamas’ terrorist attack against Israel on October 7th is also having an impact in Germany – and is revealing cracks in society. On the one hand, it is worrying that anti-Semitism is becoming increasingly apparent and is also reflected in an increase in antisemitic attacks. In addition to left-wing and right-wing antisemitism, antisemitism among the Muslim population has become the focus of public debates. At the same time, Muslims are also currently experiencing a high degree of hostility.

How do we prevent antisemitic and anti-Muslim prejudices and hate speech from increasing in the current political crisis? How can we ensure social cohesion given the current situation? And how can we successfully counter all forms of inhumane attitudes – anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim?

Against the background of these pressing questions, our fact sheet “Anti-Semitism, racism and social cohesion” provides an initial insight into the results of our study, which is currently being prepared, on antisemitic and anti-Muslim attitudes in Germany. The basis is the Religion Monitor 2023, which also provides internationally comparative data. The figures for the Religion Monitor were collected before the current intensification of the Middle East conflict, but shed light on important underlying factors.

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