Holocaust distortions on social media after 10/7. The antisemitic mobilization

An analysis of Holocaust denial and distortion on five social media platforms in October 2023 shows the pervasiveness of Holocaust denial and distortion on many of these platforms. The study also sheds light on how these distorted references to the Holocaust are weaponized to promote antisemitism. In the wake of the pogrom by Hamas in Israel, references to the Holocaust were used to accuse Israel of genocide and to call for a mobilization against Israel and Jews, including the murder of Jews.

We examined Holocaust-related content on YouTube, X (formerly Twitter), Truth Social, Gab, and 4chan. The latter two are known for their far-right user base, including neo-Nazis. Utilizing the search function of each platform on six different days in October 2023, we analyzed 900 posts, the first 30 results for the term “Holocaust” on each platform and each day.

Instead of information about the Holocaust and Holocaust commemoration, X/Twitter and Truth Social consistently returned results that included Holocaust denial and distortions.

Gab and 4chan, with their predominantly far-right user bases, exhibited an even higher concentration of antisemitic and Holocaust denial messages. By contrast, YouTube employs algorithms that prioritize search results with predominantly informational videos about the Holocaust. However, some of the comments were also antisemitic.

The study found a disturbing trend of increasing radicalism in antisemitic messages throughout October, including explicit calls for violence and mass murder. This suggests that discussions about the Holocaust are now being actively exploited to fuel antisemitic mobilization. A central element of this mobilization is the accusation that Israel is committing genocide or perpetrating a “Palestinian Holocaust.”

These findings underscore the urgent need for social media platforms to implement more effective measures to combat Holocaust denial and distortion. The weaponization of these harmful narratives poses a significant threat to the preservation of historical truth and the promotion of tolerance, non-violence, and understanding.

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