Germany – The number of antisemitic crimes has increased significantly since the attack on Israel by Hamas

The number of antisemitic crimes in Germany has increased significantly since the attack on Israel by Hamas. Since October 7th, 680 antisemitic crimes have been reported to the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), said its chairman Holger Münch on Thursday at the autumn meeting in Wiesbaden. Of these, more than 550 were related to conflicts in the Middle East. This number is well above average.

A total of 3,744 crimes were reported to the BKA in connection with the modernizations. “More than 460 of them were violent crimes,” said Münch. The events in the Middle East will have a direct impact on radicalization in Germany. Mink warned that the potential for escalation was high.

Other crimes were discovered on the Internet. Since October, more than 300 reports of conflict-related hate speech have been received. Half of the reports had an anti-Semitic background.

The number of cases involving foreign or religious beliefs in October alone was more than three times higher than the total number of crimes recorded between January and September in 2017. The number of anti-Semitic crimes with a right-wing extremist background has also increased.

Münch also said that the BKA is investigating unidentified Hamas members on behalf of Hamas, as German citizens have also been affected by Hamas attacks. The Attorney General is suspected of involvement in foreign terrorist organizations, murder and hostage-taking.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Feser (SPD) warned at the meeting that Islamist forces in Germany were trying to exploit the escalation for their own benefit. its own purpose. She reiterated that protecting Jewish life is part of the state’s rationality.

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