USA – Legal Aid Society denounces union’s ‘antisemitic’ resolution amid ‘simmering’ internal turmoil

Association of Legal Aid Attorneys

NYC, NY – A union representing Legal Aid Society lawyers has drafted a controversial resolution denouncing Israel’s “colonial apartheid occupation” of the Gaza Strip, which the non-profit swiftly slammed as “antisemitic.”

The Association of Legal Aid Attorneys, part of Local 2325 of the United Auto Workers, is due to vote Friday on the resolution, demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

The three-page document, obtained by The Post, also opposes “any future military aid” to Israel and demands that the US cut ties with the Jewish state.

However, the Legal Aid Society rejected the troubling resolution in a scathing rebuke.

“The resolution is laden with coded antisemitic language and thinly veiled calls for the destruction of the State of Israel,” the firm said in a statement.

“At a time when our attorneys and staff should be united in support of the people we serve, the resolution does not advance the legal interests of our clients, does not comport with our mission and values, and is divisive and hurtful,” the statement continued.

The Legal Aid Society, which has “a longstanding policy against taking positions on international political events,” added that it “condemns any expression of antisemitism and will never support such a resolution.”

The controversial resolution has already divided lawyers and staffers inside the non-profit — with one attorney this week sending colleagues a profanity-laced email criticizing those who support Israel’s retaliation following the surprise Oct. 7 attack by Hamas terrorists, which killed 1,200 people.

“Being a public defender should inherently mean you’re against f—ing genocide,” lawyer Niteka Raina wrote in a ranting email to coworkers obtained by The Post.

“But I guess legal aid is so desperate for attorneys the organization just lets anyone stay these days, oof.

“Ya dumbfuck genocide supporters,” Raina comtinued. “The united states and israel are both settler-colonial entities and both shouldn’t fucking exist, ya dips—ts.””

Raina and the union did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

In a separate statement, the Legal Aid Society said that Raina “sent this e-mail in her union capacity on a union mailing list,” and “strongly condemns any use of vitriolic, offensive and antisemitic language.”

Meanwhile, others inside the non-profit legal services provider said the statement denouncing the pending union resolution doesn’t go far enough, and won’t quell the mounting tension.

“Antisemitism has been simmering under the surface at Legal Aid for some time,” one staffer, who wished to remain anonymous, told The Post.

“The change after the events of Oct. 7 is that antisemitism hasn’t just risen to the surface but it has been blown out of the water with this resolution.18

“The question is, while management has made an outward statement, will they look inward and take concrete steps to address the issue at the firm?”

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