Italy – A teacher resign after post against Jews: “Hitler was right”

Hanane Hammoud

The decision of Hanane Hammoud, of Lebanese origins, to resign from H-Farm, a private school in Roncade, in the province of Treviso, where she taught mathematics, was announced by the school itself through an official communication. The woman had been involved in a controversy following the publication of antisemitic phrases on her social profiles, in which she had expressed support for Adolf Hiter.

The school had suspended the teacher for 10 days, but it appeared they were looking for a way to fire her. However, the teacher anticipated the action by resigning. The story had caused a stir, with the principal and the administrator of the private campus strongly condemning the sentences uttered by the teacher. The woman then admitted that she was “desolate” by what had happened, attributing the publication of the anti-Semitic phrases to the stress deriving from the news coming from the conflict in Gaza.

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