USA – Over 250 US senior financial managers pledge: ‘We will not hire pro-Palestinian protesters’

More than 250 managers and executives in the financial sector in the United States have signed a statement pledging not to employ pro-Palestinian students or protesters who participate in demonstrations and anti-Zionist activities on campuses and in the streets.

Among the signatories are senior managers at JP Morgan and Bank of America, as well as prominent Jewish names such as the billionaire Bill Ackman, manager of the New York hedge fund Pershing Square; Jeffrey Talpins, founder-manager of the New York hedge fund Element Capital, Sander Gerber, CEO of Hudson Bay Capital, Boaz Weinstein, founder of Saba Capital; and Jay Seidman, the founder of Altitude Venture.

“The attack in Israel is an attack on all of us,” they write. “Israel is the Start-Up Nation. Its innovations make the world a better place. We stand with Jewish communities around the world which are experiencing antisemitic harassment and violence.”

The signatories come out against not only those who actively participate in the demonstrations but also against those who do not condemn them. “We are profoundly disturbed by people who are indifferent when confronted with Jewish suffering or who organize to blame Jews and celebrate hate. Supporters of hate will have no place in our organizations or our community.”

According to the signatories, “Since 1948, the State of Israel has been a source of hope, strength, and innovation. Israel has given our industry and the world an abundance of moral, intellectual, and material gifts. Now, in Israel’s hour of need, we, the undersigned, pledge to do everything we can to support the Jewish state and the Jewish people. We support Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas, and against all people, states, and organizations who threaten the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Never again will we sit by while peace-loving people are slaughtered en masse.”

Since the beginning of the war in Gaza, tensions in the United States have been at their peak, with tens of thousands lining the streets and campuses every week in pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel demonstrations. Quite a few students and workers who publicly spoke out against Israel or were caught on camera tearing up posters of the hostages lost their jobs or prestigious internships. On the one hand, the universities are receiving criticism from pro-Israeli students, graduates and donors for not sufficiently condemning the chants against Israel. On the other hand, several universities, including Columbia, George Washington and Brandeis, which suspended the activities of the student organizations behind the protests, are being criticized for infringing on academic freedom.

In a letter sent to the administration of Columbia University and signed by more than 20 progressive elected officials, including the US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez of New York, the signatories demand that the university restore to active statue the Students for Justice in Palestine organization, which they say only held a “non-violent protest demanding a ceasefire in Gaza.”

The progressive signatories state that they “support the University’s stated desire to maintain an atmosphere that is safe and free of hate; however, suspending these student groups based on the pretext of ‘safety’ does the opposite.”

“Protest, dissent, critical inquiry, free speech are very important on a campus like Columbia and on any college and university campus. The university has a vibrant history of activism and to honor that history we hope the university will reverse its decision and instead commit to creating an environment where students are free from hate and free to protest,” they wrote.

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