France – Three stars of David tagged on the gate of a house in La Baule

A retiree from La Baule had the unpleasant surprise of discovering on Sunday November 19, 2023 three Stars of David tagged on his gate and fence ©Frédéric PROT

La Baule – Sunday November 19, 2023, the owner of a house near the Maud-Fontenoy complex in the Guézy district of La Baule (Loire-Atlantique), had the unpleasant surprise of discovering three Stars of David crudely tagged on his gate and fence . 

According to the police , it is the only house in the area to have been targeted by this type of antisemitic acts. A house targeted at random since this retiree is not of the Jewish faith and has never spoken publicly about the conflict between Israel and Hamas .

The victim filed a complaint for damage, and an investigation was opened.

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