USA – Survey: 73% of New Yorkers say Jews in NY are experiencing antisemitism; 75% say it has increased since October 7

Nearly three-quarters of New Yorkers think Jews in New York are currently experiencing a great deal (37%) or some (36%) antisemitism, and of those, 75% said that the level of antisemitism has increased since the attacks on October 7. At the same time, 62% say Muslims in New York are experiencing a great deal (24%) or some (38%) Islamophobia, and of those, 59% say that has increased since October 7, according to a Siena College poll of registered New York State voters released today.

Nearly six in 10 say the Hamas attacks on Israeli citizens are an unspeakable crime that should be condemned without hesitation or explanation, while 25% say they condemn the murder of civilians but believe the attacks were a result of decades of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. And while 30% say the death of Palestinian civilians should be condemned without hesitation or explanation, a majority, 54%, say they condemn the killing of innocent civilians in Gaza, but Israel had no choice but to attack Hamas to protect itself and free hostages.  

“New Yorkers see both antisemitism and, to a slightly lesser degree, Islamophobia as widespread, and both have increased since the October 7 Hamas attacks in Israel. At least two-thirds of voters from every region and party say that Jews are experiencing a great deal or some antisemitism,” said Dr. Don Levy, Director of the Siena College Research Institute. “And a strong majority of Democrats, independents, and voters from every region – as well as a plurality of Republicans, say Muslims are experiencing a great deal or some Islamophobia.


“At least two-thirds of voters from every party and region that say Jews are experiencing antisemitism say it has increased since October 7, while at least 58% of voters from every region and party that say Muslims are experiencing Islamophobia see an increase in it since October 7,” Levy said. “Three-quarters of Jews think there is a great deal of antisemitism, and 95% of those seeing antisemitism think it has increased since the attack. When it comes to Islamophobia, only 24% of Jews say Muslims are experiencing a great deal of Islamophobia, and of those seeing Muslims experiencing Islamophobia, 44% say it has increased.”

“A strong majority comes down on the side of Israel in this ongoing war. Majorities from every region and party say that the Hamas attacks should be condemned without hesitation. While this view is held by two-thirds of white voters, Black and Latino voters are closely divided between the choices of condemnation without explanation, and condemnation along with placing blame on Israel’s treatment of Palestinians,” Levy said.

“Only 30% of New Yorkers say that the death of Palestinian civilians at the hand of Israeli attacks on Hamas in Gaza should be condemned without explanation. A majority, 54% – including majorities of Democrats, Republicans, independents, and voters from upstate and the downstate suburbs – say that they condemn the killing of innocent civilians in Gaza, but that Israel was left with no choice but to attack Hamas,” Levy said. “A plurality of New York City voters agrees, however, pluralities of Black and Latino voters say the killing of innocent Palestinians should be condemned without explanation.

“As might be expected, more than 90% of Jews say both the Hamas attacks should be condemned without explanation and that Israel had no choice but to attack Hamas,” Levy said. “While all voters say Hamas attacks should be condemned without explanation by 34 points, liberals only agree by a 13-point margin. Liberals also narrowly say, 46-43%, that the death of Palestinian civilians should be condemned without hesitation.”

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