USA – Neo-Nazi group marches through Wisconsin State Capitol

Madison, WI – A neo-Nazi group was seen marching through the Wisconsin State Capitol Saturday afternoon. They carried flags with swastikas on them and shouted “Heil Hitler, Israel must be destroyed” and “there will be blood here”..

According to Madison Police, around 20 people carrying Nazi flags walked up State Street to the Capitol before heading to James Madison Park. Many people called 911 to report this group.

The group wore red shirts and black accessories. The emblems on their shirts resembled symbols associated with “Blood Tribe.” According to the Anti-Defamation League, the “Blood Tribe is a growing neo-Nazi group that claims to have chapters across the United States and Canada.” The group allegedly does not allow females to join and also holds anti-LGBTQ+ values.

Jewish community leaders say the group spreads fear throughout the state.

“There are people that are afraid to walk to school. There are people that are afraid to walk home. And it really has a significant impact on people all over the state,” said Levi Stein, executive director of Friendship Circle Wisconsin.

“The thing that should be frightening to all good, decent, kind, loving people in Wisconsin is the unabashed boldness. The sense of empowerment,” said Greg Steinberger, president and CEO of University Wisconsin-Madison Hillel.

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers released a statement. He said, “Let us be clear: neo-Nazis, antisemitism, and white supremacy have no home in Wisconsin. We will not accept or normalize this rhetoric and hate.”

On Facebook, The Milwaukee Jewish Community Relations Council thanked Evers for his statement. The organization also provided this link to report antisemitic incidents.

University of Wisconsin-Madison Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin also condemned the act in a statement, calling it “utterly repugnant.” She went on to say, “Hatred and antisemitism are completely counter to the university’s values, and the safety and well-being of our community must be our highest priorities.”

The university police department says they will continue to monitor the situation ahead of the Badger football game against Nebraska at 6:30 p.m. in Madison. It will enhance security and police protection throughout campus.

According to the Madison Police Department, no weapons were displayed. MPD also says it “does not support hateful rhetoric.”

Milwaukee County Executive, David Crowley also posted on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, voicing his disapproval of Saturday’s march in Madison.

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