USA – Montgomery Co. teacher on leave for alleged antisemitic social media posts

Sabrina Khan-Williams / MCPS video screenshot

A “diversity, equity & inclusion teacher” in a Maryland middle school is reportedly defending Hamas’ invasion of Israel.

Sabrina Khan-Williams, who works in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), shared the remarks on social media.

“Hamas did not start this,” Khan-Williams wrote on Facebook, according to screenshots obtained by The Daily Wire. “They were just the perfect vehicle for Zionists to continue its apartheid.”

Attached to the post is reportedly a video claiming “a lot of Palestinians do get killed when they try to peacefully protest in Israel.”

The MCPS teacher works at Tilden Middle School in Bethesda, Maryland. Bethesda is home to one of the largest Jewish populations in the country, with 105,400 Jews residing in the area as of 2017.

“Palestinian’s [sic] are being killed and their organs are being sold,” Khan-Williams reportedly stated in another post.

“My heart breaks for these Muslim and Christian Palestinians,” another post reportedly read. “I am so sorry that this slaughter will one day be in our history books and be seen as another catastrophe caused by colonization on indigenous people.”

Khan-Williams’s Facebook page does not appear when searching her full name as of Monday afternoon.

When reached for comment by Crisis in the Classroom (CITC) Monday, MCPS Communications Director Christopher Cram said administrators were aware of the teacher’s comments.

In a letter to students and families acquired by CITC, Tilden Middle School principal Sapna Hopkins said MCPS is investigating the posts.

“A strict process governs our response to this matter, and any actions resulting from an investigation will be considered personnel matter,” Hopkins wrote.

“These social media posts have undermined our school’s values of respect and belonging,” Hopkins continued. “I understand the deep distress and hurt this incident has caused our community. We strive to be a No Place for Hate school. It is evident from recent events that we are not there yet. I acknowledge that we have work to do to live up to our values of respect and inclusion.”

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