France – 375 antisemitic incidents recorded in Paris and its inner suburbs since October 7

Laurent Nunez, Paris police chief

The Paris police chief assures that these acts have “diverse and varied forms” and mentions a “wave which is undeniable”.

Antisemitic incidents are on the rise in Paris and the inner suburbs. This is what Laurent Nunez, Paris police chief said, guest of BFMTV-RMC this Thursday, November 16.

“In the Paris metropolitan area, Paris and the three departments of the inner suburbs, last night (Wednesday November 15, Editor’s note), there were 375 antisemitic incidents” since October 7. The latter have “diverse and varied forms”, declared the Paris police prefect.

“We are exploding the figures of a normal year (…) It is still a wave which is undeniable and which is very important”, he added.

180 complaints, 130 arrests

In detail, Laurent Nunez mentions “tags, threats, insults”, which represent three-quarters of these antisemitic acts. To these are added “more serious facts” such as intentional assault and battery, damage to property “which goes beyond the tags”.

The Paris police chief specifies that of these 375 antisemitic acts, only 180 complaints were filed.

“It can be police findings, it can be reports (…) and for the most serious facts, there are complaints. It can also be detections on social networks,” he said. detailed.

In all, 130 people were arrested.

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