Slovenia – Antisemitic graffiti on the entrance to the Jewish cultural center in Ljubljana

Swastika on the door of the Jewish Cultural Center in Ljubljana

Ljubljana – Strangers have damaged the doors of the Jewish Cultural Center in Ljubljana, behind which the Holocaust museum in Slovenia, the Jewish museum, the synagogue, the exhibition about the Anne Frank family, and the annual House of Tolerance festival are in progress, with hateful graffiti.

“This is an attack on all of us who live in the prosperity of the free world. Our beautiful city and country must never again experience the terrible experience that the Nazis did to our citizens 75 years ago. The Nazis and fascists murdered more than 90,000 Slovenian citizens, among them were almost 600 Jews. We must stand together against hatred and fanaticism in our beautiful country. This is not the Middle East – Israel and Palestine. This is our country. This is Slovenia, announced the president of the aforementioned community, Robert Baruh Waltl 

” The equating of religious communities with the actions of a criminal regime is inadmissible and controversial. Such writings on the door of the Jewish Center in Ljubljana are also unacceptable,” the March 8 Institute also announced. 

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