USA – Anti-Jewish hate crimes surged 214% in October, NYPD says

The NYPD reported 69 antisemitic hate crimes in October, marking a major increase in anti-Jewish incidents in the city following Hamas’s October 7 invasion and slaughter of some 1,400 people in southern Israel, and Israel’s ensuing war against the terror group in Gaza.

The number of antisemitic crimes in October marked a 214 percent increase over the same month last year, according to police data released on Wednesday.

The total for October was far higher than in any other month this year. The previous high-water mark was in March, which saw 32 antisemitic incidents reported to police, fewer than half of last month’s number.

October’s tally of anti-Jewish crimes was the highest single month total since October 2021, when hate crimes against all groups spiked, and in which anti-Jewish crimes made up a smaller proportion of the total.

Hate Crimes Statistics Summary for October 2023

(Representing October 1st – October 31st for calendar years 2023 and 2022)

Note: Statistics above are subject to change upon investigation, as active possible bias cases may be reclassified to non-bias cases and removed from counted data.

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