France – Antiemitic graffiti discovered in a building in Maisons-Alfort

Maisons-Alfort – Antiemitic tags were found in the common areas of a three-story building in Maisons-Alfort in Val-de-Marne, BFMTV learned from the prosecution.

Three stars of David were first written in marker near apartment doors on Wednesday, November 1st afternoon. The facts would have occurred between 2 p.m. and 4:50 p.m., indicates the prosecution.

A few days later and still at the same address, a resident reported a new antisemitic tag. “Dirty Jew” was written in black marker during the morning of Sunday, November 5. The tag was discovered on a wall next to an apartment door.

An investigation was opened on November 1. The Maisons-Alfort police station was responsible for the investigations.

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