Estonia – Antisemitic flyers distributed in Tallinn

Stanislav Nemerzhitski found an anti-Semitic leaflet in the janitor of his car parked on Suur-Karja Street, similar ones were also on the windshields of other cars. Photo:Mihkel Maripuu

Tallinn – Several people in the Estonian capital were shocked to find leaflets on the windscreens of their cars, the contents of which contained postulates of conspiracy theories about Jews.

Stanislav Nemeržitski, a researcher at the Estonian Language Institute, noticed a piece of paper underneath his car’s windscreen wiper in Tallinn’s Old Town late on Tuesday evening, which on closer inspection turned out to be a leaflet inciting ethnic hatred. “The whole street was full of them, and the leaflets were also attached to the windscreens of other cars,” Nemerzhitski, who used to be a school headmaster, told the Estonian newspaper Postimees.

Inna Toater from the Estonian police told another Estonian outlet, Delfi, that officers responded to the call about the leaflets.

“The police patrol went to the scene, carried out the necessary investigation and removed the leaflets from the cars. Now, we are investigating the circumstances, including who put the leaflets on the cars, and we will decide whether there are grounds to open proceedings,” Toater said.

Toater added there had been other kinds of antisemitic manifestations.

On Sunday, police arrested five people from the demonstration that was supposed to be held in support of Palestine, for chanting and carrying slogans, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”.

One of the participants at the “In Solidarity with Palestine” demonstration on 5 October 2023, shouting “Israel is a terrorist state” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. Photo from the In Solidarity with Palestine FB event page.
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