UK – Doctor at Northwick Park Hospital removed for posting antisemitic comments online

Dr. Manoj Sen

A London hospital has parted company with one of its doctors after he posted comments on Facebook relating to Jews. In one exchange, Manoj Sen wrote in German: “Die Juden sind unsere Unglück” (the Jews are our misfortune). He is also alleged to have called another Facebook poster “Jew Boy”, together with other abusive comments.

In a statement, the Trust to which Northwick Park Hospital belongs said: “Mr Sen is no longer an employee of London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust.

“We do not tolerate hate speech or discrimination of any kind and take immediate action when such behaviour is brought to our attention.

“We continue to work closely with our teams to make sure that all our people feel comfortable in reporting unacceptable language or behaviour.”

A spokesman for the Trust said that confidential employment rules prevented further comment.

Indian-born Mr Sen, who is a consultant specialising in colorectal surgery, trained in the UK from 1985 to 1987. According to his biography on the Top Doctors website, he spent from 2006 to 2013 in Heidelberg, Germany, where he further qualified as a visceral surgeon. He is an honorary senior lecturer in surgery at Imperial College London’s faculty of medicine but Jewish News understands his affiliation with Imperial ended three years ago.

On Top Doctors, it says: “Mr Sen’s patients consider him to be friendly and reassuring, and he ensures that he is fully engaged with the patient, and takes time to explain the procedures in way that is easy for the patient to understand”. But the “Stop Antisemitism” group commented: “How can any Jewish patient feel safe in his care?”

Imperial College, which no longer has a relationship with Mr Sen, this week issued a strong statement from its president, Hugh Brady, and provost, Ian Walmsley. They said that in the wake of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, “the feedback from our community makes it clear that some of our members now feel unwelcome or unsafe on campus because of the way in which some views have been expressed.

“This runs contrary to our values and is an unacceptable situation. Any form of racist or hateful behaviour, including antisemitism and Islamophobia, will not be tolerated and all incidents will be taken extremely seriously”.

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