Italy – A 56-year-old man was arrested for antisemitic graffiti in Milan

The alleged author of the antisemitic writings, which appeared between 16 and 19 October, has been identified, searched and investigated for “propaganda and incitement to crime for reasons of racial, ethnic and religious discrimination”.

in Milan, in the bathrooms of the Italian Diagnostic Center and of a bakery in the Jewish neighborhood of Milan.

This is a 56-year-old Italian, resident in Corsico (Milan), who, according to investigations by the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit and the anti-terrorism pool of the Milan Prosecutor’s Office, was wearing a uniform (found this morning in his home) of a disinfestation company as he traced the writing.

The man also allegedly published effigies in favor of terrorist organizations and cartoons against Israel on his social profiles. In the investigation documents of the prosecutor Enrico Pavone and the prosecutor Marcello Viola also the images that portray him while he defaces the walls.

Between 16 and 17 October last, in one of the bathrooms of the Italian Diagnostic Center in Via Saint Bon in Milan, near the Jewish quarter, the writing “first Hitler then Hamas for you Jews ovens and gas chambers” was found. A Star of David was also drawn next to it. The owner of the property had filed a complaint.

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