Germany – The NRW state government’s 10-point plan against antisemitism

Photo: State of North Rhine-Westphalia / Joshua Dunst

The state government wants to support the fight against antisemitism and hatred of Israel in North Rhine-Westphalia with a 10-point plan.

For this purpose, schools, among other things, should receive special materials on dealing with antisemitism and the Middle East conflict. The state also promotes opportunities for students to meet and the “Slalom – Jewish Life Today!” competition developed by the Münster district government is to be expanded to the entire state. In addition, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is setting up training courses for the judiciary in order to more clearly recognize antisemitic codes in demonstrations and rallies and to prosecute them with full force, according to the presentation of the #NieWiederIstJetzt campaign.

“There must be no place for antisemitism in North Rhine-Westphalia,” said North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst. “We will defend the free, democratic basic order in our country – without any ifs or buts. The slogan “Never again” means: It is our responsibility to confront everyone who takes the side of terror and misanthropy. It is our responsibility to take action against Israel hatred and antisemitism. Never again is now! With our action plan against antisemitism, we are following up the words of solidarity with concrete actions.”

The other measures in the 10-point plan also include an increase in funds for structural security measures at synagogues and other Jewish institutions. For this purpose, the state is making 11.5 million euros available at short notice. The state government also wants to strengthen the service centers that record antisemitic incidents even below the criminal liability threshold. This also includes anti-discrimination advice and intervention in antisemitism and racism (ADIRA) in Dortmund.

Furthermore, the dialogue between Muslims, Christians and Jews should be promoted. For this purpose, the state wants to support the Bielefeld-based association “begegnen e. V.” support. This organizes lectures, educational events and trips to memorial sites. Additional measures include collaborations and programs for student exchanges or in business and science. The state government also wants to support Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip with reconstruction.

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