Denmark – Massive increase in reports of antisemitism

A new report from the Jewish community in Denmark shows a sharp increase in reports of antiדemitism from 7 October and one month onwards – i.e. in the period after the terrorist attack against Israel

  • The number of reports in the period is 24 times higher than the average reports in the previous nine months.

  • Seven out of ten reports for 2023 have come since 7 October.

  • These are reports from people who themselves have turned to the Jewish Society with perceived antisemitism.

  • The figures are thus an indicator of the level of antisemitism and not a complete picture.

  • There are examples of death threats, vandalism and incidents at street level.

“Unfortunately, the report confirms our impression that many Danish Jews feel insecure with good reason. The increase comes from an already very high level, where cases of antisemitism make up a proportionally large proportion of the hate crimes reported to the police ,” says the chairman of the Jewish Society, Henri Goldstein.

Increased antisemitism has previously been noted in the wake of wars between Israel and Hamas – e.g. with vandalism against the Jewish school in 2014. But right now we experience antisemitism as more extensive and more violent.

“Unfortunately, we have to state that it has developed into a competition where the one who shouts the most extreme and shrill has won. It is an unhealthy culture, not least of which has its roots in the internet and social media. It is a polarizing force, which initially goes beyond Jews – but which should raise concern for the cohesion and dialogue in society as a whole,” says Henri Goldstein, who emphasizes that at the same time he has met with great sympathy and support from very broad circles of Danish society.

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