USA – Apple employee fired over antisemitic Instagram message: ‘You sneak into countries’

Natasha Dach

A pro-Israel watchdog is taking credit for the dismissal of an Apple employee who took to Instagram to condemn “Zionists” for being “murderers and thieves.”

Natasha Dach has been removed from Apple’s employee directory after her social media post was unearthed by StopAntisemitism, a representative of the group told The Post.

A screenshot of Dach’s social media posts indicates that she wrote: “You sneak into countries, steal peoples lives, jobs, homes, streets, push them, bully them, torture them.”

Dach wrote that “when people act on it, you call it terrorism”, an apparent reference to the Oct. 7 surprise assault by Hamas which left at least 1,400 Israeli soldiers and civilians dead.

“You are doing this for generations,” Dach wrote, adding: “Invasion is the only thing you are capable of.”

The Post has sought comment from Dach, who has deleted her LinkedIn and Instagram accounts.

StopAntisemitism posted an image of Dach on its official X social media feed.

Several websites with photos that bear a resemblance to Dach indicate that she is a creative writer and information technology specialist based in Istanbul, Turkey.

The Post has sought comment from Apple.

Liora Rez, executive director of StopAntisemitism, told The Post that the group learned of Dach’s termination from a confidential source within the Cupertino, Calif.-based tech behemoth.

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