Spain – The Antisemitism Observatory presents the 2022 Report and advances the rise in antisemitism in 2023

the institutions that make up the Antisemitism Observatory, the Movement against Intolerance (MCI) and the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain (FCJE) presented the Report on Antisemitism 2022, which maintains a line of anti-Semitic acts and expressions in quantity and quality similar to that of previous years. Above all, social networks and the Internet are highlighted as places where antisemitic expressions and attitudes are observed more easily and in greater quantities.

It has also been reported about the rise in anti-Semitism in this year 2023 as a result of the war between Israel and Hamas after the massacre committed by the terrorist organization in Israel on October 7.

In this sense, the organizing institutions have shown graffiti, posters, attacks, chants at anti-Israeli rallies, etc. Specifically, emphasis has been placed on the fact that these expressions ignite an atmosphere that can lead to anti-Semitism, as was seen on October 18 when a group of protesters approached the Melilla synagogue where the police prevented a possible assault. Also the case of Barcelona, ​​where a group of protesters took over the reception of a hotel for half an hour on October 21 and changed the official flags for Palestinian flags. The argument was that the owner was Israeli.

Both the MCI and the FCJE have called for political, social and media responsibility to contribute to peace and the resolution of the conflict and, especially, to ensure that it does not have repercussions in Spain.

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