USA – Elite women’s college RA sent email threatening Jewish, pro-Israel students

Munger Hall (MUN) | Wellesley College

Wellesley, MA – Disputes over the conflict between Israel and Hamas have found their way onto the campus of Massachusetts’ Wellesley College, a private liberal arts school for women where some resident advisers reportedly sent an anti-Israel message to students who live at one campus dormitory.

In an email last week to students who live at Munger Hall, residence hall leaders condemned Israel for the actions it has taken against Hamas and insisted there “should be no space, no consideration, and no support for Zionism within the Wellesley College community.”

The comments, first reported by Jake Novak, former media director at the Israeli Consulate in New York, came in an email from Moi Nee, the Munger Hall house president, on behalf of the “Munger Res Staff.”

“Hello all,

As of October 18th, 2023, the Palestinian-Israeli war has cost the lives of some 3,478 Palestinians and wounded 12,000. Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians, characterized by the displacement of 600,000 individuals, the dissemination of genocidal rhetoric by the Israeli government, and the illegal occupation of native Palestinian lands, have left our hearts heavy.

With all historical, political, and territorial aspects considered, Israel’s zionist government needs to be condemned. Furthermore, individuals who endorse the forced removal of Palestinians should be recognized as supporters of colonization.

Munger Hall stands in strong condemnation of Israel’s actions and those who have supported their actions against Palestinians. We firmly believe that there should be no space, no consideration, and no support for Zionism within the Wellesley College community.

In accordance with these beliefs, we plan on donating to a reputable organization that provides aid to the children and families whose lives have been destroyed. We will vote for the amount and organization in a future HoCo meeting. While Munger res staff want to support and make space for you through this devastating time, we also recognize that we may not be fully equipped to do so in the way each individual needs.

Therefore, we’d like to point you to The Stone Center and The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life (ORSL) that may be able to help. ORSL is currently putting together processing spaces specifically for this issue, they may send an email soon regarding that. We care about each and every one of you, and please feel free to reach out with any ideas of how we can best support you during these difficult times.”

Thank you, Munger Res Staff — Moi Nee she/her Class of 2024 | Education Studies Major Munger Hall House President EDUC 215 Peer Tutor

In addition to the comments, the residence hall leaders said they “plan on donating to a reputable organization that provides aid to the children and families whose lives have been destroyed.”

The residence hall leaders, who also pointed to campus resources as lines of support for students during “this devastating time,” concluded the email by saying, “We care about each and every one of you, and please feel free to reach out with any ideas of how we can best support you during these difficult times.”

When reached for comment, a media relations spokesperson for the school pointed Fox News Digital to an Oct. 20 email sent to the community by Wellesley College President Paula Johnson, who noted that the resident hall heads were told they have a “role and responsibility to support all students.”

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