France – 719 incidents recorded in France since October 7, according to Darmanin

The figure continues to rise. 719 “anti-Semitic events or incidents” have been recorded in France since the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on October 7announced the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin in an interview with Dauphiné Libéré. The previous count revealed this Monday reported 588 antisemitic incidents in the country since October 7. “We are at 389 arrests in connection with these incidents,” added the Minister of the Interior, specifying that there were “more police and gendarmes on the ground”. It was 336 this Monday.

At the same time, 4,948 reports on the dedicated Pharos platform were recorded this Thursday morning for “threats, antisemitic comments or advocating terrorism”. This Monday, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne indicated that 4,000 alerts had been received. “There was a sort of liberation of hateful speech,” the Minister of the Interior regretted to Dauphiné Libéré.

Gérald Darmanin affirmed that there was “in our country a fairly strong increase in anti-religious acts in the broad sense”. “But, fortunately, it is strongly fought and condemned by our justice system. » “I want to tell our Muslim compatriots that we protect them just as much as our Jewish compatriots,” said the Minister of the Interior while repeating that “no one [confondait] the Palestinians with the Hamas terrorist organization. »

These antisemitic acts occur in a tense context in France, since Hamas’s terrorist attack on Israel on October 7. Last Friday, the Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti indicated that “196 judicial investigations” had been opened, including “47 for advocating terrorism”. On October 13, an Islamist attack in a high school in Arras (Pas-de-Calais) also cost the lives of Dominique BernardFrench teacher. Three other people were then injured.

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