UK – London Underground driver suspended after leading ‘free Palestine’ chant on Tube train

Transport for London (TfL)

A London Underground driver who appeared to lead passengers in a chant of “free Palestine” on a Tube train has been suspended, Transport for London (TfL) has said. 

According to social media footage from Saturday, the driver of the Central Line service said “free, free” to which the passengers responded “Palestine”.

The video appeared to show the chant being led over the train’s speaker system.

Glynn Barton, TfL’s chief operating officer, said: “We have been urgently and thoroughly investigating the footage appearing to show a Tube driver misusing the PA system and leading chants on a Central Line train on Saturday.

“A driver has now been identified and suspended whilst we continue to fully investigate the incident in line with our policies and procedures.”

The British Transport Police have launched an investigation into the incident. Assistant Chief Constable Sean O’Callaghan said the force was “aware of footage circulating on social media which suggests chants are led by driver of a train in London earlier”.

The Israeli Embassy in London criticised the chant and said: “It is deeply troubling to see such intolerance on London’s Tubes. Public transport should be a place of safety and inclusivity for all.”

Paul Scully, Minister for London, said Tube staff should “focus on the day job” and warned against stoking tension in the capital.

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