Germany – Number of antisemitic incidents increased sixfold in Schleswig-Holstei

The nationwide antisemitism information and documentation center in Schleswig-Holstein has registered an increase in antisemitic cases in the north following the massacre of Israeli civilians. 

The number of reports has increased noticeably in the past two weeks, project manager Joshua Vogel told the German Press Agency on Thursday. “During this period, we reported six times as many incidents as the annual average for 2022.” 

Nationwide, 202 antisemitic incidents related to the massacre were documented between October 7th and 15th – 5 of them in the north. 

“The increase in anti-Israel incidents has already become apparent in 2022: what was already there as everyday background noise is now making its way,” said Vogel. In 2022, the documentation center recorded 79 anti-Semitic incidents in Schleswig-Holstein, 9 more than in 2021.

“We are dealing with a very dynamic and extremely dangerous situation: rallies in solidarity with Israel are being deliberately disrupted, participants are being spat on and threatened, and Israel flags are being torn down in front of town halls and thrown into the dirt,” said Vogel. People who show solidarity with Israel are insulted and threatened.

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