Spain – Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered and harassed a Jewish hotelier in Barcelona

Protest action against the Cortes hotel, owned by an Israeli tycoon, in Barcelona. Jordi Bataller / ACN

Barcelona – Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered on Saturday to occupy a hotel in the center of Barcelona to protest recent clashes in the Middle East. The occupation lasted about an hour and was motivated by the protesters’ hatred of the hotel’s owner, an Israeli citizen.

The Israeli Embassy condemned the events and issued a statement. Its ambassador, Rodica Radian-Gordon, said: “The Israeli embassy in Spain strongly condemns today’s brutal and antiדemitic act against a hotel in Barcelona. We call for unequivocal condemnation of attacks against Jewish citizens, whether Spaniards or Israelis, their synagogues and their properties”.

The Mossos d’Esquadra have confirmed that between 90 and 100 people have gathered on Santa Anna Street in Barcelona for a demonstration in favor of Palestine. It is believed that the Hotel Cortés, owned by an Israeli magnate, was the target of the march participants, who managed to enter the establishment’s lobby.

The protesters, activists from different movements, including the Sindicat de Llogateres i Llogaters, have climbed to the balconies of the façade, removed the flags that were on the building and exchanged them for Palestinian flags. With this action, they intended to denounce the “genocide of Palestine” and the international inaction against Israel’s attacks.

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