France – The door of a Jewish couple’s house was burned in Paris

Paris – The worst was probably avoided, in a building on rue du Télégraphe, in Paris (20th century). The door to the home of a Jewish retired couple was set on fire during the night of Thursday to Friday, October 20. The disaster was quickly brought under control, but the consequences could have been dramatic for the victims, and for the entire building. A suspect was placed in police custody in the premises of the 2nd Judicial Police District (DPJ) of Paris, responsible for verifying whether this man, who spontaneously incriminated himself, is indeed the alleged arsonist.

The alert is given in the early morning, during the night from Thursday to Friday. These octogenarians living on rue du Télégraphe called the firefighters, after being suddenly awakened from their sleep, around 5 a.m. Two strangers allegedly doused their front door with gasoline, before setting it on fire.

A mezuzah on the front door

Disturbingly, the victims are the only residents of the building to have a mezuzah, a kind of small scroll traditionally attached to the doors of Jewish homes. Given the sensitive geopolitical context, in the midst of the war between Israel and Hamas , the Paris prosecutor’s office immediately opened an investigation for damage by dangerous means due to religion. And seizes the 2nd DPJ.

A few hours later, a resident of the building appeared before the police officers mobilized at the scene of the incident. Mohammed B., 25 years old, unknown to the police, admits to having set fire to the couple’s door. He is immediately placed in police custody in order to verify whether this suspect is indeed the author of the fire.

During his hearing, Mohammed B., who does not seem to have all his mental faculties, allegedly confided having heard voices. His police custody was lifted on Friday. Mohammed B. was admitted to the I3P, the psychiatric infirmary of the Paris police headquarters. “It will be taken back when it is released,” indicates the Paris prosecutor’s office this Saturday morning. “Investigations are nevertheless continuing. »

Psychological support was offered to the very shocked retirees. “The mayor spoke by telephone with the victims. We will strengthen their psychological support, if they express the need,” assured Maxime Sauvage, first deputy mayor of the 20th arrondissement, Éric Pliez.

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