USA – South Philadelphia family showing support for Israel becomes target of vandalism

Philadelphia, PA – A South Philadelphia family displaying support for Israel says they were targeted by vandals overnight into Wednesday.

Larry Levin said he displayed a sign of Israel’s flag and a ‘Philly Supports Israel’ flyer on his front glass door.

He put the signs up after Hamas militants attacked Israel on October 7.

Surveillance footage shows a person running down his block towards his home, then there is a loud crash, and the person runs back into the camera’s view as they bolt down South 10th Street.

Police say it happened around midnight.

Levin said he called Philadelphia police and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

The ADL says nationally, the organization has seen six times as many antisemitic incidents reported to them at this same time last year.

Andrew Goretski with the ADL said regionally, there has also been an increase.

“We’ve received, since October 7, 25 complaints. If you were to extrapolate that, that same amount over the course of the year, that would equal 1,000 complaints for the year,” said Goretski.

He said they urge more people to report incidents of antisemitism, so the ADL can keep track.

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