UK – Antisemitic hate crimes in London up 1,350%, Met police say

There has been a 1,350% increase in hate crimes against Jewish people as the Middle East crisis erupted, the Metropolitan police have said, with no arrests so far in nine out of 10 alleged offences.

Figures from the Met covering London show that 218 antisemitic offences were recorded from 1 October to 18 October this year, compared with 15 in the same period last year.

Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October, and Israel attacked Gaza shortly after.

Ade Adelekan, the deputy assistant commissioner, described the rise as “significant” and said Islamophobic offences in London were up 140% over the same period, from 42 in 2022 to 103.

Both Jewish and Muslim communities have previously complained of feeling underprotected from hate crimes.

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