Germany – Sharp increase in antisemitic incidents in Berlin

Hamas’ attack on Israel began two weeks ago – since then there have been almost three times as many antisemitic incidents in Berlin as in the same period last year. This is reported by the Rias reporting office. The actual number is likely to be even higher.

The number of antisemitic incidents in Berlin has increased significantly since Hamas’ attack on Israel. The Antisemitism Research and Information Center (Rias) recorded 70 verified antisemitic incidents in the capital from the attack on October 7th to October 18th. The numbers are preliminary because numerous other reported incidents have not yet been verified. These 70 incidents represent almost a tripling of antisemitic incidents compared to the same period last year, for which 25 antisemitic incidents were documented.

The 70 antisemitic incidents are broken down as follows: one case of extreme violence, three attacks, nine targeted damage to property, three threats, one mass communication (emails or letters to a larger group of people) and 53 incidents of hurtful behavior, including ten meetings at which it occurred antisemitic statements came.

The incidents include the attempted arson attack on the Kahal Adass Yisroel synagogue and community center in the Mitte district and twelve home markings in which Stars of David were smeared on front doors or in the entrance areas of houses. This is reminiscent of the labeling practice of the National Socialists, who marked Jewish shops with a Star of David.

Almost two-thirds of the incidents (46 of 70) were classified by Rias as Israel-related antisemitism. The Rias Federal Association documented 202 incidents nationwide between October 7th and 15th. This is an increase of 240 percent compared to the same period last year, it said. Around 90 percent of the cases involve Israel-related antisemitism.

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