USA – NYU students seen tearing down posters of missing Israelis

Hafiza Khalique (left) and Yazmeen Deyhimi (right)

Pictures of missing Israeli hostages pasted up on campus at New York University were ripped down by three students, a viral video shows.

Two of the group were then seen walking away with their arms full of the shredded posters. The flyers had shown the faces of some of the victims kidnapped by Palestinian Islamist group Hamas on October 7 during its surprise large-scale attack against Israel. The New York University (NYU) footage was filmed by a bystander and posted online on Monday by the organization StopAntisemitism, which said the “lack of humanity [… was] heartbreaking.”

The video of the incident at NYU reportedly shows two women pulling down Israeli missing-person posters after dozens of the flyers were pasted onto the side of the university’s Tisch Hall. The pair are soon joined by a third person who helps them remove every single one. And a photo shows the two instigators leaving the scene afterwards, their arms filled with the posters.

UPDATE: The two woman ripping down posters of kidnapped Israelis taken into Gaza by Hamas at NYU yesterday have been identified as Hafiza Khalique (left) and Yazmeen Deyhimi (right). Yazmeen Deyhimi has deleted both of her IG and Twitter accounts; her LinkedIn is still live and lists a 2019 internship with the ADL (!)

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