Germany.- A Palestinian flag is painted on a monument to the victims of Nazism in southwestern Germany

The desecrated memorial stone on the stairs to the Saarbrücken castle wall Photo: Thorsten Kremers

Saarbrücken – Supporters of the barbaric Hamas murders of over 1,200 people on October 7th defaced a Holocaust memorial in Saarbrücken.

The stele, erected in the palace complex in 1993, is part of the “Place of the Invisible Memorial” and bears the inscription “To commemorate the victims – to remind us – never again fascism”. Now visible on the stone block under the inscription: the Palestine flag, sprayed on by unknown Jew-haters!

After the discovery of the desecration of the monument on Sunday evening, the Saarbrücken police called in state security. The specialists for politically motivated crimes are looking for the perpetrators.

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