France – 65 arrests and 189 antisemitic acts recorded in one week

This Saturday, October 14, at the end of the day, Gérald Darmanin gave the press the results of the arrests made and the procedures launched in connection with anti-Semitic acts since the Hamas attack on Israel, a week ago.

The Minister of the Interior appeared before the press this Saturday, October 14 at the end of the day. For Gérald Darmanin, it was a question of taking stock of the security situation in the country, the day after the attack perpetrated in a school campus in Arras, and a week after the Hamas attack against Israel. He thus quantified the anti-Semitic acts committed in France since then, and the arrests they led to. “ Since last Saturday, 65 arrests have taken place directly linked to anti-Semitic acts  ,” he said, noting among them 23 foreign nationals. Of these 23 foreigners arrested, ten are in detention centers, two cases are under procedure, the other individuals have been incarcerated, he said.

The Minister of the Interior then explained the instructions sent to the prefects and the judicial authority concerning these 23 cases, namely “ the degradation and withdrawal of the residence permit of all of these foreigners ”. He affirmed that the instruction was “ enforced  ”. He also indicated that he had alerted “ the judicial authority about associations and individuals making antisemitic remarks ”, under article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He mentioned the “Palestine Will Win” collective and the Republic Indigenous Party.

Without naming the organizations concerned this time, Gérald Darmanin also declared having launched “procedures for the dissolution of several associations and collectives relaying and sometimes financing Hamas or movements around Hamas in an unofficial and hidden manner ”. Questioned by a journalist about the possibility of already establishing a correlation between the assassination of Dominique Bernard in the grounds of the Gambetta-Carnot school campus in Arras on Friday October 13 and the Hamas attack against the Hebrew State, Gérald Darmanin first stressed that he refused to comment on the ongoing investigations, before recognizing an “ obvious atmosphere of jihadism since last Saturday  ”.

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