USA – Rolling billboard in Cambridge claims display of ‘Harvard’s Leading Antisemites’ names, faces

Cambridge, MA – Harvard students who blamed Israel after Hamas’ terrorist attacks say they’re afraid for their safety, as a truck revealing students’ names and their faces continued to drive around the Cambridge campus on Thursday.

The “Harvard’s Leading Antisemites” truck has been showing the names and photos of students who are members of the groups that signed the explosive anti-Israel statement. The dozens of groups blamed Israel for the terrorist attacks, saying they “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.”

That letter from over the weekend has since sparked outrage, leading to Harvard alums calling for the students’ names to be public. Now, many of their names and faces are being shown on this Accuracy in Media truck.

“Accuracy in Media is exposing radical antisemites on college campuses,” the organization posted. “No one who supports terrorist groups like Hamas should be able to hide in the shadows.”

“It’s always funny when students on the campus where Facebook was invented are complaining about their names and photos being publicly available,” posted Adam Guillette, president of the organization.

A first-year graduate student who’s a member of a group that signed on to the statement told the Herald that the students who are getting “doxxed” are scared. The students’ personal information is being spread online.

“Everyone is fearful for their safety,” the grad student said. “I’m scared that this kind of targeting will lead to someone who looks Muslim getting attacked. It’s just a matter of time before something serious happens.”

The anti-Israel statement is “being misrepresented,” he said. None of the students are siding with terrorists, he added.

“Every student is sad about the tragic loss of life on both sides,” the grad student said. “At its core, the statement was to give voice to the Palestinian people and to the injustices they have faced for decades. For people to label everyone as anti-Semitic is a misrepresentation.”

Harvard issued a statement on Wednesday about the safety and wellbeing on campus. The Harvard University Police Department has stepped up its security presence on campus, and continues to monitor online activity for the potential of any threat to the campus community or individuals on campus.

“Events in Israel and Gaza continue to provoke anxiety, concern, and uncertainty throughout our community,” wrote Meredith Weenick, executive VP. “Those feelings have been amplified over the last several days by hateful and reckless rhetoric, inside and outside of Harvard, that has increased tensions and sown fear, especially among our students.

“I write tonight to assure you that the University takes seriously the safety and wellbeing of every member of our community,” Weenick added. “We do not condone or ignore intimidation. We do not condone or ignore threats or acts of harassment or violence.”

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