Germany – Unknown people sprayed the Star of David on the entrance door


Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin – Unknown people sprayed a Star of David on a building on Dänenstrasse in Prenzlauer Berg on Thursday evening . This was first reported by “Bild” reporter Antonia Yamin on X. The Berlin police confirmed that the Police State Security is now investigating on suspicion of incitement to hatred.

She spoke to a resident of the house, Yamin wrote in the post, which was written in Hebrew. They called the police, but only received the answer that they should report it online. Also: “They advised me to remove the Star of David because leaving it at the door could cause further reactions,” it said.

The resident said she had removed the graffiti with acetone. “I sent the picture to the neighbors via WhatsApp and very few people responded,” she is quoted as saying. “I have a mezuzah in front of my apartment door and I’m worried.” She doesn’t want to go to synagogue in the evening and doesn’t want to leave the house with a necklace with a Star of David pendant. “And I won’t speak Hebrew on the street today.” The police hadn’t gotten back to her by then.

The Berlin police confirm that they are aware of the incident. The state security agency is investigating, a police spokeswoman told Tagesspiegel when asked. So far, only this case is known in connection with a Star of David painted on houses. Those affected should contact the police immediately, the spokeswoman said.

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