UK – Hamas terror against Israel like ‘Warsaw Ghetto uprising’, says BBC guest

London – Footage from a BBC interview with a Palestinian educator has sparked criticism online, after the interviewee compared terror committed by Hamas terrorists to the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.

The interview, which occurred on October 7, with Refaat Alareer has sparked new accusations of BBC anti-Israel bias.

Alareer said in the interview that, “[a]n attack by Palestinian resistance is legitimate and moral. This is exactly like the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. This is the Gaza Ghetto uprising against 100 years of European and Zionist colonialism and occupation…”

Camera, an organization that helps to fight anti-Israel bias, published an expose on one of Alareer’s lectures at the University of Gaza in 2021. Alareer claimed that Israel has used the Holocaust as a manipulative tool to “destroy Palestinians.”

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