France – Hamas attack in Israel: around twenty antisemitic acts noted in France in the last 48 hours

The Jews of France have been on alert since 48 hours and the Hamas attack on Israeli territory . As of Saturday, Gérald Darmanin called for Jewish schools and other synagogues to be secured and this Monday, the Minister of the Interior reported several antisemitic acts perpetrated throughout the weekend. Around twenty incidents were thus noted, announced Gérald Darmanin Monday afternoon, and more than 700 reports were filed on Pharos, the police platform for illegal content. 

According to information from Europe 1, four individuals, carrying a Palestinian flag, shouted “Death to the Jews” last night in the streets of Paris. In Saint-Brieuc, this Sunday, around twenty young people on scooters and motocross showed Palestinian flags. 

Gérald Darmanin has also issued instructions to avoid pro-Palestinian gatherings. “I told the prefects to look individually, case by case, at how to ban them. This is what the Rhône prefect did for the demonstration which was to be held in the Guillotière district (in Lyon, NLDR ) Today”. She was absolutely right to do so, but that does not mean that all demonstrations will be banned. Only those which we believe could seriously disturb public order,” the minister said. 

The latter also hopes that the dissolution of the “Palestine will conquer” collective, which glorified the Hamas attack on Sunday, will go to the end. It is currently suspended by the Council of State.

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